Frequently Asked Questions

(This content was copied with permission–and modified where appropriate–from the excellent North
Carolina RailRun web site, who in turn lifted it from the excellent BayRails web site, who in turn
lifted it from the excellent Prairie Rail web site.)

We know that model railroaders get confused easily. Especially operators! 🙂 So, to make it easy, here is a list of anticipated questions and answers to make your RockyOp experience a smooth and
memorable one.


Q: Why didn’t I get all the layouts I wanted?
A: Every effort was made to get an attendee’s first and/or second choices of layouts. For various reasons, some layouts are more popular than others, and may not be able to satisfy the demand for operating positions. In general, the layouts were assigned to attendees, based on their individual requests, in the order in which they were received by the Committee, while keeping in mind the necessity of properly manning each of the sessions and getting carpools organized.
Q: Who is in charge of this mess?
A: Check out the FRR Contacts for a list.
Q: To whom should I present my gripes/compliments?
A: Contact somebody on the FRR Contacts list.
Q: Where can I find out which layouts I will be attending?
A: Confirmed registrants will get a packet prior to the weekend, containing information about your assigned layouts.
Q: Can I change the layouts that I get to operate?
A: You will be assigned the layouts that you are scheduled to visit. As courtesy to the layout hosts, who are counting on a certain number of operators showing up, we ask that you attend the operating sessions assigned. If, for some reason, you cannot attend a session for which you have been assigned, at least do the polite thing and let the layout host know ahead of time. Otherwise, please attend all the sessions for which you have been assigned!
Q: I can’t make it for the weekend! Who should I notify?
A: If you can’t make it for the weekend or part of the weekend, please notify somebody on the FRR Contacts list. They will take your information and let the layout hosts know so that your vacancy can be filled, if possible.
Q: Where can I learn more about the layouts involved in FRR?
A: Go to the Layouts page of the FRR web site, and then click on the desired layout.
Q: I’m a really important person. I may decide to cancel my trip to FRR a few days before. That’s OK with you, right?
A: Actually, no. It’s likely that we’ll turn down a number of applicants due to limited space, so if you say you’re going to attend, we expect you to honor that commitment. In the case of an absolute emergency, please be courteous and give us as much notice as possible so we can try to invite people from the waiting list. Last-minute cancellations will likely affect invitations to future events.
Q: As I mentioned before,  I’m a really important person. I’ll probably need to bail out of one or two of my assigned sessions early to hobnob with other very important people. You won’t mind that, right?
A: Yes, we will mind very much. Assembling a group to operate a layout is like putting together a baseball team … and the shortstop can’t leave early because he has a better offer or the rest of the team suffers. If we commit to an operating slot for you, we expect you to commit to staying and participating in the full session.So we’ll count on you not to bail out on any of your sessions … especially if you want to get invited back to FRR (or any of our buddies’ Ops Fests).
Q: Can I bail out early without notice?
A: Not if you want to get invited back to FRR (or any of our buddies’ Ops Fests).



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Last Updated: March 20, 2023